Vinnie - Thank you for your Breakfast Interviews! Especially the one with John McLaughlin! My all-time favorite song is Right Off from Miles and certainly John, Billy, etc, For years I have fantasized about conducting an investigation on how that tune was developed. YOU DID IT & it was most fascinating to hear John explain how it was a groove that he started with Billy. As a trumpeter, I was able to learn how to play that song, but never publicly. The other great thing was leaning of your 1990 Album and the song dedicated to John. I apologize for coming so late to the party, but after listening to every song, I believe it is one of the greatest albums in Jazz fusion, EVER! And your drumming was off the planet, and it backs up the accolades that John gave you and who would not be blown away (as humbly as you were) by the greatest jazz guitarist (in my opinion) of all time. How cool that your album is on John's play list!! God Bless you and your family and thank you for sharing your talent over the years with people who appreciate the finest music in the universe!